Customer Support Services Policy


The support services described herein are provided by Block Aero to each Block Aero customer (“Customer”) pursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable License and/or Enterprise Agreement (“Agreement”) between each customer and Block Aero, or between a customer and an authorized Block Aero partner. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. Subject to customer paying the applicable support related fees, Block Aero will provide the support described herein.

1. Definitions

In these Support Terms, capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the definition given such term in the Agreement:

“Agreement” means the applicable Enterprise Blockchain Service Agreement(s) (EBSA) executed between your organization and Block Aero which provides you with access to Block Aero’s Platform and Services.

“Alternative Solution” means a solution or correction to an incident that allows the Block Aero Platform to function substantially in accordance with the User Guides.

“Authorized Contacts” means the named Customer employees or authorized agents who: (i) have sufficient technical expertise, training and/or experience with the Block Aero Platform to perform the Customer’s obligations under these Support Terms; (ii) are responsible for all communications with Block Aero regarding these Support Terms, including case submission and Incident reports; and (iii) who are authorized by Customer to request and receive Support Services for the Platform on behalf of the Customer.

“Standard Support” is Block Aero’s standard Support Services described herein, which is included in a current subscription to the Platform.

“Business Days” are Monday to Friday during Normal Support Hours, excluding Block Aero company holidays.

“Custom Support” Block Aero may offer Custom Support to better meet the needs of specific customers. In providing Custom Support, Block Aero may require access to the Block Aero Platform through the Customer’s Block Aero account in order to resolve Support Service issues. When purchasing Custom Support, Customer must provide prior authorization for such Block Aero access, and shall assign a user login to the designated Block Aero representative to be used solely for the purposes of providing Custom Support. Such assigned login will not be counted against Customer’s total number of authorized Users allowed to access the Block Aero Platform under the Agreement. In addition, Custom Support expands the Normal Support Hours for all Severity Levels to 24×7 coverage.

“Enhancement Request” means a request by Customer to add functionality or enhance performance beyond the specifications of the Block Aero Platform and are not included as part of Support Services.

“First Level Support” means any support relating to calls from Customer’s customers, end users or affiliates or general resolution of user errors, network errors, provisioning errors or Internet delays or malfunctions.

“Enhanced Support” means Block Aero’s enhanced level of Support Services. In addition to the Standard Support Services described herein, if Customer is entitled to Enhanced Support, the Normal Support Hours for Severity 1 and Severity 2 issues will be expanded to 24×7 coverage with improved Response Time Goals and additional Authorized Contacts are provided.

“Incident” means a single support question or reproducible failure of the Block Aero Platform to substantially conform to the functions and/or specifications as described in User Guides and reported by an Authorized Contact.

“Normal Support Hours” are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Business Days in the time zone of the address for the Customer’s headquarters listed on the Agreement.

“Response Time” means the targeted time period within which Block Aero will use commercially reasonable efforts to contact Customer to acknowledge receipt of an Incident report and to engage an appropriately skilled support resource, commencing from the time that Block Aero receives all required information as specified in Section 4.2. Response Times are measured during Normal Support Hours.

“Severity Level” means the Severity Levels 1-4 as defined below:

  • “Severity Level 1 or S1 (Critical)” means an Incident where Customer’s production use of the Block Aero Platform is stopped or so severely impacted that the Customer cannot reasonably continue business operations. It may result in a material and immediate interruption of Customer’s business operation that will cause a loss of Customer data and/or restrict availability to such data and/or cause significant financial impact.
  • “Severity Level 2 or S2 (Significant)” means an Incident where one or more important functions of the Block Aero Platform are unavailable with no acceptable Alternative Solution. Customer’s production use of the Block Aero Platform is continuing but not stopped; however, there is a serious impact on the Customer’s business operations.
  • “Severity Level 3 or S3 (Less Significant)” means an Incident where: (a) important Block Aero Platform features are unavailable but an Alternative Solution is available, or (b) less significant Block Aero Platform features are unavailable with no reasonable Alternative Solution; Customers experience a minor loss of business operation functionality and/or an impact on implementation resources, or (c) Customer poses questions regarding basic functionality of the Block Aero Platform. This category is only available to customers purchasing Premium Support or Custom Support.
  • “Severity Level 4 or S4 (Minimal)” means an Incident that has a minimal impact on business operations or basic functionality of the Block Aero Platform.

“Success Services” are post-implementation services which Block Aero offers on a subscription basis. Success Services are provided by Block Aero to assist customers in their use of the Services or specific components of the Block Aero Platform.

“Support@Block.Aero” is the online support email address to submit Customer Service requests and/or incidents.

“Support Services” means the English language support services for the Block Aero Platform provided by Block Aero under the terms set forth herein and as further defined in the Agreement, but do not include First Level Support or Enhancement Requests. Support Service levels include Standard, Enhanced and Custom. Customer’s level of Support Services shall be determined by the level of Support Services that such Customer has procured or is otherwise entitled to.

“Test Case” means Customer’s instructions that allow Block Aero to reproduce an Incident.

2. Scope of the Support Terms

2.1 Subject to the terms contained herein, Block Aero shall address all Incidents which may arise from Customer’s use of the Block Aero Platform in accordance with Sections 4 and 5 below.

2.2 Block Aero shall not have any obligation to provide Support Services with respect to any: (a) adaptations, configurations or modifications of the Block Aero Platform made by the Customer or any third party, including those that are made using SuiteScript or JavaScript; (b) First Level Support, which shall be provided by Customer; (c) Enhancement Requests; or (d) any items excluded pursuant to Section 5.

2.3 Block Aero may offer Professional Services or post-implementation Success Services to help resolve issues that fall outside the scope of the Support Services. Any engagement of Professional Services or other post-implementation Success Services shall be provided under a separate agreement and shall be subject to the Agreement or Block Aero’s then-current consulting fees and terms.

3. Termination

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in the applicable Agreement, these Support Terms shall terminate upon expiration or termination of the Agreement or expiration or termination of Customer’s right to access the Block Aero Platform.

4. Incident Reporting and Response Times

4.1 Authorized Contacts. All reports of Incidents must be made to Oracle by the Authorized Contact(s). The primary method for a Customer to report an Incident is via The foregoing notwithstanding, Customers procuring Premium Support or Custom Support may notify Block Aero of S1 and S2 Incidents via telephone if Customer’s ability to message is unavailable. The Customer may substitute Authorized Contact(s) from time to time by giving Block Aero prior written notice, including the relevant contact information for any new Authorized Contact.

Permitted number of qualified Authorized Contacts:

Standard Support……………..2
Enhanced Support…………….4
Custom Support………………..6

4.2 Required Information. All Incident reports must, if applicable, include the following:

  • The Customer’s identification number which Block Aero shall provide to the Customer soon after the Effective Date of these Support Terms.
  • A reproducible Test Case that demonstrates the specific usage that causes the Incident being reported.
  • Exact wording of all related error messages.
  • A full description of the Incident and expected results.
  • Any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the Incident.

Block Aero may share such information and other information about Incidents with its contractors, vendors and/or third party application providers to support Block Aero’s provision of the Support Services described herein.

4.3 Severity Levels. Block Aero will work with Customer and will assign the appropriate severity level to all Incidents according to the Severity Level definitions. Severity Levels are assigned to allow prioritization of incoming Incidents. Block Aero may reclassify Incidents based on the current impact on the Block Aero Platform and business operations as described in the Severity Level definitions. In the event Block Aero determines that an Incident is in fact an Enhancement Request, it shall not be addressed under these Support Terms.

4.4 Block Aero’s Obligations. Block Aero will make available Support Services access during Normal Support Hours for the Customer to report Incidents and receive assistance. On receipt of an Incident report, Block Aero shall establish whether there is an Incident for which the Customer is entitled to Support Services under these Support Terms and, if so, shall:

  • Confirm receipt of the Incident report and notify Customer of the Incident case number that both parties must then use in any communications about the Incident.
  • Work with Customer to set a severity level for the Incident based on the criteria set forth herein.
  • Analyze the Incident and verify the existence of the problem.
  • Give the Customer direction and assistance in resolving the Incident pursuant to the terms described herein.

4.5 Response Time

Support Type Severity 1 (“S1") Severity 2 (“S2") Severity 3 (“S3") Severity 4 (“S4")
Standard Support
2 hours
4 hours
2 Business Days
Enhanced Support
1 hour
2 hours
8 hours
2 Business Days

4.6 Customer’s Obligations

  • Block Aero’s obligation to provide Support Services under these Support Terms is conditioned upon the Customer:
    • Paying all applicable fees for Support Services prior to the date the Incident is reported;
    • Having valid access to the Block Aero Platform;
    • Providing Block Aero with all reasonable assistance and providing Block Aero with data, information and materials as that are reasonably necessary;
    • Procuring, installing and maintaining all equipment, telephone lines, communication interfaces and other hardware and software necessary to access the Block Aero Platform;
    • Providing all First Level Support;
    • Providing appropriate contact information for all Authorized Contacts(s), and
    • Utilizing to report and log all incident cases, except for Enhanced Support and Custom Support customers who are permitted to log S1 and S2 incidents via telephone as set forth in Section 4.1.
  • For the duration of the initial term and any elected renewal term(s) during which Customer has purchased Support Services, Customer shall purchase and maintain the same level of Support Services for all users of the Block Aero Platform (including without limitation any incremental licenses subsequently purchased by Customer). For clarity, Customer may not elect to purchase or renew Support Services for just a portion of its Service or of its users who can access the Service.
5. Exclusions from Support Services

Block Aero will not be required to correct any Incident caused by (i) integration of any feature, program or device to the Block Aero or any part thereof; (ii) any non-conformance caused by unauthorized misuse, alteration, modification or enhancement of the Block Aero Platform; or (iii) use of the Block Aero Platform that is not in compliance with the Agreement.

S1 or S2 Level support is not applicable to sandbox or testing deployments of the Block Aero platform.

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